If you have a twitter account, add me @jcgaiser
Now please continue reading about the ways I waste my time.
Damn you, twitter. Damn you, instant netflix. I had finally overcome my facebook addiction (facebook-sober for 30 days!), and now I've found all new ways to procrastinate.
Today, I went to get a safety inspection for my car. The very nice man at the garage told me it would be a 45 minute wait. That's fine, I thought.
So I broke out my iPhone. I would also like to damn iTunes, for being so readily available on the iPhone. I probably spent 10 dollars on songs while waiting for my car, including that obscenely catchy "E.T." by Katy Perry. I don't even remember what I downloaded in total. I do know that I downloaded a Celine Dion song. CELINE. DION. I think I downloaded "Taking Chances" because it was on Glee.
Also, damn you Glee. I hate musicals, but every week I find myself dying to know what's going on with Brittany's insane little mind, like how her cat reads her diary and crashed the family SUV, and I think I cried when Blaine finally kissed Kurt. All the while gently singing along with a heartbroken Rachel to Katy Perry's "Firework" after finding out Finn had sex with Santana. And all the beautiful and offensive things Sue Sylvester says. Jane Lynch can just be on the screen and I feel happier.
I ended up buying the entire first season and cried at the following moments:
- The first time they sing "Don't Stop Believin," a song which I hate more than Liza Minelli and Celine Dion put together.
- When they sing Avril Lavigne (I can't spell her name, but she's apparently relevant to pop culture again with a critically aclaimed album so I should learn it) song "Keep Holding On" in solidarity for Quinn.
- Rachel and her mom singing Lady Gaga's "Poker Face," rearranged to express their lack of a familial bond and how they never will truly be mother and daughter.
ANYWAY. I got side-tracked. So I'm on my iPhone, I just blindly downloaded an unknown amount of music, but then I get this thought: Twitter. I can tweet while I wait.
I instantly made an account and found my one contact in my phone that has a twitter account, and am now following half the cast of The Office. I now compulsively reach for my phone every 2 minutes to see what new hilarious comment Rainn Wilson has left, and I must respond in a very stalkerish kind of way.
This might become a problem when I go to work. Granted, my tweets will also be much more entertaining...hmmm.
Anyway, if you're reading this, please follow me @jcgaiser